Pappas Group Turned Down a Chance to be Featured on National TV …

Written by ChuckMeyst2015 on . Posted in Publicity

AdAge Agency News carried the story Monday that the Pappas Group agency turned down the opportunity to be featured on AMC’s “The Pitch”.  Author Anthony Pappas did a great job explaining why, and with just one exception, everyone who “posted” agreed.  The story is worth reading.  You should be able to find it here, at least for awhile:

I chose to share our experience and posted this comment:

Sound decision. In actuality, most final presentations of three or more contenders are resolved based on chemistry, compatibility, philosophies – all else essentially being equal at that point. If apparent to the viewing audience, that might be more than awkward to explain or understand for those viewers who would be expecting some flashy, whiz-bang presentation to (as they so often say) – blow them away! That attention to personalities might suggest that there is no “magic” in the creative process and we know different!

Chuck Meyst,


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